Thursday, January 20, 2011

January meeting summary

The January meeting of the Committee went well. The Committee discussed the land use matrix and decided to have a workshop meeting in February to explore the land use matrix in greater depth. The purpose of the matrix is to determine which land uses are appropriate in each of the Downtown Districts, and declare any conditions that might be applicable to various uses. In combination with the text of the plan, the matrix will provide a starting point for the development of a zoning overlay district once the plan is complete.
In addition, the Committee discussed various streetscape issues and possibilities. Some of these include on-street parallel parking, angled parking, wide sidewalks, benches, trees and plantings, and other street improvements. The rights-of-way in the Original Township are 80' and 100' wide and the Committee would like to take full advantage of this space in the plan.

The next meeting of the Committee will be February 16, 2011, at 3:00 PM in the City Hall Council Chambers. This will be a workshop meeting.

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