About the Plan

The Downtown Master Plan is a long range plan for the downtown Marble Falls area. The goal of this project is to develop a plan that will foster a downtown that is more attractive, more vibrant, more profitable, more livable and usable, and a more desirable place for residents, businesses, and their customers. Some of the issues we will explore include the following: 
Downtown revitalization and development – what does it mean to you? Should Downtown serve the needs of the citizens of Marble Falls, visitors and tourists, or both? What makes a successful downtown? 

We will address the physical environment – what do we want Downtown to look like? What should we change to make Downtown more attractive? Should we make changes to the sidewalks, parking, street appearance, trees, or anything else?

We will address any changes that might need to be made to the codes and regulations that dictate what can and can’t happen downtown. Should we allow things in downtown that we don’t currently? Should we not allow things we currently allow? Are certain types of businesses better suited to Downtown? 

We want to hear from you! The Downtown Committee greatly values your input and feedback: your ideas, your insight, or provide us an example downtown in another place you like and why you like it.

If you have thoughts about some of the issues above, or if you have ideas of what Downtown Marble Falls should be, please contact Janet Hobbs in the Development Services Department, jhobbs@ci.marble-falls.tx.us or by phone at 830-798-7066. Feel free to stop by City Hall or the Development Services office with any suggestions.

As we progress through the planning process, this website will be updated regularly. Please check back frequently to learn about what we are doing and what comes next. Also, please join us at Downtown Committee meetings, the third Wednesday of each month, at 3:00 pm at the City Hall Council Chambers, 800 Third Street.