Thursday, January 20, 2011

January meeting summary

The January meeting of the Committee went well. The Committee discussed the land use matrix and decided to have a workshop meeting in February to explore the land use matrix in greater depth. The purpose of the matrix is to determine which land uses are appropriate in each of the Downtown Districts, and declare any conditions that might be applicable to various uses. In combination with the text of the plan, the matrix will provide a starting point for the development of a zoning overlay district once the plan is complete.
In addition, the Committee discussed various streetscape issues and possibilities. Some of these include on-street parallel parking, angled parking, wide sidewalks, benches, trees and plantings, and other street improvements. The rights-of-way in the Original Township are 80' and 100' wide and the Committee would like to take full advantage of this space in the plan.

The next meeting of the Committee will be February 16, 2011, at 3:00 PM in the City Hall Council Chambers. This will be a workshop meeting.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

January Meeting

The January meeting of the Downtown Committee will be at 3:00 PM on January 19, 2011. The location is the City Hall Council Chambers, 800 Third Street.
Items that will be discussed include land use and streetscapes within the Core District.
Click here to view the agenda.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

December Committee Meeting

At the December meeting, the Committee began with a conversation about conveying information to the general public about the committee's activities. The blog was presented and it was agreed that the blog should be used as an informational tool.

The Committee handed in their land use matrices for Staff review and compilation. The land use matrix will serve as a guide as to which land uses are appropriate in different areas of Downtown. In addition, some land uses may have certain conditions on them. For example, a fast food restaurant may be desired Downtown, but only with no drive-thru facilities, as those tend to disrupt the pedestrian experience. The Committee had two months to consider appropriate uses prior to completing the matrix. A compiled version of the matrix (that takes into account all committee member input) will be presented and reviewed at a future meeting.

The Committee also was presented with development guidelines for the Core District. These guidelines were based on previous committee discussions, and, of course, prompted more discussion. The following is the text from the minutes of the meeting. (At the time of posting, the minutes have not been approved by the Committee and remain a draft version.)

The date of the next meeting is tentatively scheduled for January 19. Check back here to see if we will actually have the meeting, or if we will postpone until next month.

From Agenda Item 3D, a discussion regarding the Core District Development Guidelines

       It was brought to the Committee’s attention that some of the the current conditions in the Core District does not meet the new criteria.   An example given was the properties on the south end of Main Street across from the library.  Although these buildings meet the architectural guidelines they do not meet height and set back guidelines. Committee Member Borgeson suggested that the guidelines include a statement that buildings built prior to a specific year do not have to comply with all of the guidelines. Committee Member  Borgenson stated if all the buildings are two stories she feels the area would have a “cookie cutter” look. She questioned if it would be unrealistic to have a percentage of two story buildings and when that percentage is met allow one story buildings with strict guidelines. Committee Member Buster stated that economics will dictate that the property will eventually be redeveloped to get the maximum square foot usage. The Committee agreed that guidelines need to take in consideration the property owner. If the guidelines require a major remodel for a new business, the owners will not be able to rent the property. Committee Member Fletcher stated we do not want owners to stop improving their property. Committee Member Russell suggested that instead of using the dollar amount as the trigger point offer a remodel percentage of the footprint and offer some exchanges such as allowances for creating green space and improvement of the site such as benches, plaza, etc. Chairman Reitz and Committee Member Garrett stated their biggest concern as there is no connectivity in the Core District. After reviewing plans for a new building under construction in the Core District, Committee Member Buster and Chairman Reitz suggested that hardy plank not be allowed in the Core District even though it is defined as a masonry product.