Monday, December 13, 2010

December 15 meeting

Click here to view the agenda for the December meeting of the Downtown Master Plan Committee. We look forward to seeing you there!

Friday, December 10, 2010

November 17, 2010 Meeting

At the November meeting, Committee members met with Allied Waste representative Keith Conrad to discuss alternative dumpster possibilities for trash collection in the Downtown District. Dumpsters have been discussed in some form at almost every committee meeting so far, in part because of their integral role in downtown businesses. Some options the Committee explored were grouping the dumpster containers in one or two places within the alley, other means of storing trash, and canister types and sizes.

The Committee also reviewed and discussed potential locations for civic land uses within the Downtown District. There was discussion about the location of City Hall, a new convention-type facility, the Police Station, public parks and plazas, and a potential train depot. They agreed that City Hall needs to be relocated and the intersection of Third Street and Highway 281 needs to be redeveloped as the entrance to Downtown.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Welcome to the Downtown Marble Falls Master Plan blog. Check back soon for updates on the Downtown Committee's progress and other downtown-related things.